Wednesday, September 8, 2010

【Blog#1】Notes on Current Electricity

1. the definition for current is the rate of charge flow. it is a flow of negatively charged electrons repelling one another. and the equation for current is I = Q/t .

2. example#1:


3. the definition for conventional current is the model of positive charge flow.
4. current is flowing from the black negative(—) terminal to the red positive (+) terminal.
5.the electric potential difference is the difference in electric potential (V) between the final and the initial location when work is done upon a charge to change its potential energy. in equation form:V = E/Q. potential difference is often called voltage and the unit for this is the volt.
6.electric circuit is simply a closed loop through which charges can continuously move.for an electric circuit, the energy delivered to the load depends on the potential(energy per charge) and the rate at which the charge is delivered( the current). the energy transferred by charge flow is E = VIt. to draw circuit symbols? see textbook P547 for more info.
8.a direct current(DC), the current flows in a single direction from the power supply through the conductor to the load.(eg:light bulb)
9.a alternating current(AC), the electrons periodically reverse the direction of their flow. 
10.images of electric circuits.

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