Sunday, December 12, 2010


For equilibrium:
-          no air resistance
-          no friction
-          a=0 ( ax=0 and ay=0 )
-          break down in to x and y components
-          T1x=T2x
-          set positive axis⊕
for inclined problems:
-          no air resistance
-          FN  perpendicular to the surface
-         +axis is the direction of the motion
-          break down in to x and y components
-          acceleration does not equal to zero
-          FN-Fgy=0
-          Fgx-f=ma
for pulley problems:
-          pulley is frictionless
-          rope is frictionless
-          no air resistance
-          + axis is the position of the
-          2 Free Body Diagrams
-          T1=T2
-          ay1 = ay2
-          break down in to x and y components acceleration
for train prblems,
we consider the trains as a whole, to solve for ax.
- 3 FBD to find T
- no air resistance
- ay = 0
- cables weightless
- positive along acceleration
- acceleration is consistent

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